Monday, August 6, 2012

Terrific Tuesday Challenge-- Hammy/Disney Theme!

Hi and Happy Tuesday!

 Welcome to the Terrific Tuesday challenge here at Scrappy Mom's! We decided to use a DISNEY THEMED project this week. The Disney cartridges are just soooo adorable so we hope you will join us and link your project HERE! You will be entered for a chance to win a set of Scrappy Mom's Stamps!!

Today I decided to use this little pig, HAMMY, from the Toy Story cartridge.I just LOVE this new Many Thanks set and I think it fits him perfectly. I hope you all have a wonderful week. It is very busy with my son going back to school and learning to drive.. some exciting milestones... 

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. He is so cute Tammy!! Eeek Learning to drive! Stay safe!!

  2. Cute Tammy! My youngest Zach starts his senior year on Thursday!

  3. Awww cute I just love Ham!! ;) Hugs x
